Anti-Aging Tip #6 – The Sun Factor

Old looking skin is one of the most obvious ways to show signs of aging. However, skin that may be perceived as being old might just be sun-damaged. Protecting your skin from the sun is the most significant thing you can do to prevent wrinkles, sagging and discoloration.

Anti-Aging Tip #5 – The Smoking Factor

Smoking cigarettes has been shown to increase the aging process. Athough it’s not easy, if you smoke, do whatever is necessary to quit.

Anti-Aging Tip #4 – The Fat Factor

Fat is a necessary nutrient that we get from foods. But too much of certain types of fat can be bad for the body and the aging process. It’s important to know the different types of fats so you find the best ones to eat for anti-aging purposes.

Anti-Aging Tip #3 – The Exercise Factor

Seasoned women who don’t get moving and exercise run the risk of accelerrating their aging experience. It is well known that staying active and exercising can increase flexibility needed to be able to keep doing everyday life chores. Exercise can extend longevity, and help keep your weight in line. It also helps to reduce stress and may even help to keep Alzheimer’s disease at bay.

Anti-Aging Tip #2 – The Alcohol Factor

While drinking some alcohol may not be bad for you, drinking too much or drinking it with medications could be very serious.

Anti-Aging Tip #1 – The Stress Factor

Too much stress can lead to faster aging.

Get Some Butt-Up Time!

Online Entrepreneurs MUST know work in some well needed “butt-up” time into their day. If you’ve been on the computer for any period of time, I think you know what I mean. Butt-Up time happens when you actually get up, start moving and burn some calories. It’s all about your health. We’ll be talking about a lot of issues related to the health of online entrepreneurs and giving details on how to make your “butt-up” time most effective.

Low-Fat Banana Bread

Plus, banana bead is a type of comfort food that many people enjoy at breakfast and any other times of the day. The problem is that most banana bread recipes can also pack some punch with the calories. This recipe offers a great option for a low-calorie, much lower fat version of the famous banana bread.

How to Organize for Safety: The Step-by-Step Guide to Emergency and Disaster Preparedness

Why be caught off guard when an emergency or disaster situation happens? Just don't sit and worry about it — Instead, start organizing your supplies in quick easy, steps. Being Prepared Doesn't Have to Be Expensive, Boring or Difficult This book takes you through 7 Self-Paced Lessons to Get Your Home Organized for an Emergency. [Continue Reading]

Yes I CAN Succeed Online: How to Create Your Confident Online Business Presence in 5 Easy Steps

Consuelo Meux, Ph.D. (c) 2009 Published by Creative Executive Management, LLC The easy to read book that gives you a 5-Step System to develop your business presence on the Internet faster than you’d imagine. You’ll get ideas to set up your web presence without having to put up a website. You don’t have to know [Continue Reading]