Wrote the chapter Building a Creative Business: Creativity Coaching to Assist the Launch of a Business Dream (2009) in the book Creativity Coaching Success Stories. Creativity Coaching Ass.
The Leadership Challenge: Activities Book
Wrote the chapter Centers of Conflict: Identifying a Shared Vision to Alleviate Resistance to Change in the book The Leadership Challenge Activities Book (2010) New York: John Wiley & Sons
Interviewed by Raven Blair Davis for Careers from the Kitchen Table
Discover what Consuelo has to say about How to be a Ceiling Breaker in Your Life The #1 thing you must take in order to break through the ceilings that keep you from your dreams. What love has to do with breaking through your ceilings to success. 3 simple, practical steps that you can use [Continue Reading]
Champion Communication Skills: Communicating So Everyone Listens
Do you know what you’re saying when you don’t speak? Communication isn’t just verbal. In fact, over 80% of what you communicate is nonverbal. Poor communication is one of the primary reasons why organization initiatives fail and leadership goals get derailed. You can be an effective communicator by participating in this training where you will: [Continue Reading]
Top Tips for Marketing in a Tight Economy
No doubt about it, knowing how to bring attention to you and your business is a skill no one can avoid. Marketing doesn’t have to be hard, expensive or tedious. In fact, it can be easy, fun, inexpensive (or free) and something even the shyest professional can learn to enjoy. In this training you’ll get [Continue Reading]
Take Resistance Out of Hiding
Are you really facing resistance to change or could hidden factors be causing conflicts? Knowing the heart of resistance to change can make the difference between organizational success and failure. This training will reveal seven hidden conflicts that can sabotage personal or organization change efforts. In this training you will know: Seven conflicts that often [Continue Reading]
Strategies for Making Diversity Improve Your Bottom Line
In this shrinking international world, does you organization tap the richness of diversity? The success of any organization depends on how it creates and environment for open communication, encouragement of diverse ideas and different ways of doing things. This program is geared to help you learn: How diverse diversity really is when it comes to [Continue Reading]
Building Teams that Last
Whoever said there is no “I” in a TEAM forgot their is a “I” in a WIN. Each member, working in a team setting must have a winner’s desire to succeed for the team to achieve its purpose. Participants in this training learn: Inspire team members to embrace a winners desire to succeed for the [Continue Reading]
Embracing Trends and Managing Change
Everything is changing: People change, organizations change, businesses change the world is changing. That means being aware of emerging trends and embracing them early for success. If you don’t see trends you miss making necessary changes in organizations. One powerful secret to success is to know that “as things change; change things!” Through this training, [Continue Reading]
Thriving in Times of Change
When you don’t want change, change happens anyway. Change without participation comes at a cost. Organizations and individuals that accept change as a needed aspect of growth remain creative, focused and positive. You will learn how to: Take control of change before it takes control of you Recognize and take care of “ME” issues that [Continue Reading]
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