Season for Detox – Day 21

Well, I’m going to try something new for Thanksgiving tomorrow; two different carrot cakes. One gluten free, sugar-free, the other raw carrot cake. This evening I prepared the carrots in the food processor. I’m making raisin syrup by soaking raisins tonight as a sweetener. I’m looking forward to trying the recipes and tasting the cakes. Will let you know how they come out tomorrow. Have an incredibly wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving!

Season for Detox – Day 16

I’m so excited about continuing with this detox. I feel I could be doing a better job. I realized that making these posts helps with the accountability that helps with motivation to keep going. I’ve strayed a bit from the original food choices I had selected to use over the 28 days. This was mostly due to curiosity about a new way of eating raw and some boredom with the set of recipes I had to support this detox.