Season of Detox – Day 19

It’s so good to be back on track. This was still a travel day but I was fortunate to be able to get back on track with my detox as well as exercising. It was great to spend an extra night in San Francisco relaxing after a long weekend. Sometimes, traveling can be more tiresome than staying at home for the weekend. Anyway, this morning I had a teleseminar so didn’t really get anything to eat. That was the bad part. I didn’t have fruit so skipped my smoothie. Besides, the kale looked a bit wilted after three days. So meal one wiwas with family at BJ’s Restuarant. Fortunately, I know that they have salads and potatoes. White potatoes are not the best choice for a detox because of their high startch levels but they’re better than nothing.

Season of Detox – Day 18

This was another difficult day for my detox experience. We are attending a special church service here in San Francisco so we’re dealing with long hours being in church services, short breaks and more long hours in services. Breakfast was another smoothie and the raw almonds and raisins (yes I need to change up on that a bit). The first service didn’t get out until after 1:00. By then I was really hungry.

Season for Detox – Day 16

I’m so excited about continuing with this detox. I feel I could be doing a better job. I realized that making these posts helps with the accountability that helps with motivation to keep going. I’ve strayed a bit from the original food choices I had selected to use over the 28 days. This was mostly due to curiosity about a new way of eating raw and some boredom with the set of recipes I had to support this detox.

Season for Detox – Day 15

I’m posting late for day’s 15 and 16 although I wrote my information in a food journal. One thing I probably haven’t emphasized enough is the need to keep a good food journal while you’re on your detox and for weight loss purposes. A food journal is a private and intense way to help you take control of your eating and eating habits. By tracking what you eat and when you eat it, an analysis can be done to determine how your health is developing. These daily posts are a basic example of a food journal type posting.

Season for Detox – Day 14

This is a milestone day – the end of two weeks of detoxing. This is the longest detox I’ve attempted. I realized early this morning that those cold symptoms I was having weren’t really a cold, but detox symptoms. It’s very common to have what seems like a cold or flu when on an extended detox. That’s because the body is shaking off toxins that have been locked into cells for a long period of time.

Season for Detox – Day 8

Well on to week two with my detox. I’m feeling great right now and decided to start using Alissa Cohen’s, Living on Live Foods cookbook as my source for foods this week.

The Belly Fat Issue

Have you tried to get rid of fat about the belly? I know, don’t moan. Millions of us (seasoned women that is) have to be very careful about gaining too much fat in this area. Yet, being menopausal seems to bring on the problem more than ever. But that doesn’t mean you can’t prevent the problem or that you have to keep belly fat if you already have it.

Anti-Aging Tip #8 – The Sugar Factor

Research done on diabetes has led to information about the effects of too much sugar on cells in the body that form glycation end products or (AGE’s). This process causes protein fibers to become stiff and malformed. To help cut back on your sugar consumption, eat more fruits and sweet vegetables to tame the sweet cravings. Read labels to minimize your intake of added sugars.

Anti-Aging Tip #7 – The Sleep Factor

But lack of sleep and aging are nothing to play around with. Lack of sleep has been linked to obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and memory problems, even in young adults.

Anti-Aging Tip #6 – The Sun Factor

Old looking skin is one of the most obvious ways to show signs of aging. However, skin that may be perceived as being old might just be sun-damaged. Protecting your skin from the sun is the most significant thing you can do to prevent wrinkles, sagging and discoloration.